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Logo Marika Duranti Psicologa
"Ask for help
is the first step "

Achieving awareness of having a problem is the necessary tool to shed light  on themselves and embark on a journey of discovery  and change

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Who I am

Marika Duranti

I began my university studies with a three-year degree in Massa (MS) - San Giovanni Bosco Higher School of Educational Sciences - in Developmental and Educational Psychology .

I continued with a master's degree in Milan (MI) - Catholic University of the Sacred Heart - in Clinical Psychology and Health Promotion: person, family and community relationships .  

  Subsequently I obtained a 2nd level master in Milan (MI) - Vita-Salute San Raffaele University - in Forensic Psychopathology and Clinical Criminology .

Later I obtained the title of Expert in Psychodiagnostics by completing the master in Psychodiagnostics at Giunti Psychometrics Srl

Marika Duranti - Psicologa



Path  aimed at people who are going through a moment of unease or personal crisis born in  consequence a  a specific situation or a specific moment of life.


Dedicated service  to people suffering from mental, emotional and behavioral disorders who can take advantage of the following services:

- Consulting;

- Diagnosis;

- Rehabilitation;

- Family support;

- Couple support.


Evaluations  to  legal, expert or insurance purposes.

Appraisals carried out in the field   civil and criminal to assess:

- Psychic and existential damage;

- Cognitive skills;

- Eligibility for adoptions and foster care;

- Driving fitness;

- Suitability to carry firearms.


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